"Palace of Love" I have built a vast palace of words, stretching hundreds of miles in every direction and touching the clouds, and these words are an overwhelmingly massive-breasted lady who has countless gallons of powerfully-undulating udder-bosom, and her endlessly joyful quest in life is to faithfully be mine alone, to completely submit herself to my amorous will, to love me without ceasing, and to constantly bury my erect pillar and flowing love-seed deep between her orgasmic torso-sized udder-breasts for countless insatiable hours on end, all day and night, her udder-cleavage constantly hungry and thirsty for me, always jealous to devour my strong tower and powerfully drink my rivers of virile cream with amazing desire. And out of nowhere, without any effort on my part, my sweet, docile, gentle, udder-breasted orchid finds me, vigorously pursues me, and constantly fulfills her own sworn duty to blissfully bury my virile pillar and bursting rivers of love-seed deep inside her warm, passionately-undulating breast-valley for every hour of the rest of our natural lives, her very own lovely soul constantly filled with sublime ecstasy and orgasmic fulfillment as my thrusting tower remains joyfully trapped between the two undulating mountains of her massive, lovely udder-bosom. She is my amorous palace of love, and I have built her well. Copyright (c) 2005, Kenneth Scott, All Rights Reserved