"You Are My Heat" You are my heat. My faithful lady, you make my pillar rise, your massive udders hanging down to your thighs, each breast as big as your torso in size. You are my heat. My hungry lady, you never tire, your massive bosom undulating with desire, your breast-valley burning with amorous fire. You are my heat. My possessive lady, you never set me free, my thrusting tower trapped indefinitely between your mountainous udders with ecstasy. You are my heat. My thirsty lady, fulfill your need, as your passionate breast-valley continues to feed upon my pounding pillar and flowing seed. You are my heat. My gentle lady, you are my wife, the most lovely woman in all my life, the sweet embrace that eliminates strife. You are my heat. My beloved lady, your special tenderness, your doting innocence and childlike faithfulness, fill my very heart and soul with joyfulness. You are my heat. My blissful lady, bury my tower, deep between your massive udders every hour, your undulating dynamos of orgasmic power, squeezing and pounding my pillar all day, drinking my love-seed without delay, and insatiably forcing me to stay. I can only say, "You are my heat, my sweet, satisfying heat, my lifelong luscious treat, who always makes me feel complete." Copyright (c) 2004, Kenneth Scott, All Rights Reserved