"Twice the Size of Her Thick Torso" Twice the size of her thick torso, her udder-bosom is a massive dynamo, an undulating powerhouse of orgasmic ecstasy, embracing my tower insatiably. --- When she found me, she vigorously pursued me, her pendulous udder-breasts yearning for me, her warm, deep udder-cleavage burning for me, longing to engulf me endlessly. --- The valley of her bosom perpetually devours my thrusting pillar for countless hours, and her twin mountains moan as my rivers of seed repeatedly fulfill her peculiar need. --- Her faithful, innocent love for me never ceases, and the bliss of her udder-breasts only increases. And every day of my natural life, I enjoy my massive-breasted wife. --- Twice the size of her thick torso, her udder-bosom is a massive dynamo, an undulating powerhouse of orgasmic ecstasy, embracing my tower insatiably. --- The nipples of her udders always get thick, standing erect when I suck and lick, feeding me with spicy love while I caress her massive breasts with passionate tenderness. --- And all day long, she buries my tower between her undulating udders of orgasmic power. And every time my moist seed is abundantly sown, she licks her innocent lips and begins to moan. --- And even while we're fast asleep, I find my pillar buried deep between the numerous gallons of her mountainous breasts, where all of my erect virility rests. --- Twice the size of her thick torso, her udder-bosom is a massive dynamo, an undulating powerhouse of orgasmic ecstasy, embracing my tower insatiably. Copyright (c) 2004, Kenneth Scott, All Rights Reserved