Updates Page

This is my Updates Page. Since I am making frequent changes, I absolutely need to have this. Please bookmark my main page and check back often.

There you are Little Missy! You know who you are, Brooke (heehee). I have no more room on Geocities, people. I need a domain name. Litter my guestbook with ideas, okay? Its basically going to be a take off of this webpage. I'll probably remove this one altogether and start fresh with family backgrounds and then tons of pictures of Adam, the newest twig on the Greene Family Tree. You are getting very sleepy...you will sign the guestbook with several ideas... lufbecky lynn greene

Hi there, Peeps! We finally moved back to Lebanon! Yay!! High speed!! I'm running out of storage space for pictures tho and Adam just keeps on growing. Any ideas, people? I can buy 25megs of space on here for $4.95 a month. That would be the easiest for me, but I'm sure there's cheaper ways to go. Send me some emails, guys! I'll try to get some newer pictures up of the new house and of Adam. He's now 6 and a half months now. I'd also like to thank my in laws for helping me move in this past weeking and also my wonderful parents for helping Mike and get this beautiful home. We love it! Your grandson will be very happy here. lufbecky

Hello there, time again to make another update. Again, I put up some good picture of Adam. He's now a little over 5 months old and I have some new pictures there for you, including his first solid meal and cute outfits and family. There will be more, I promise. lufbecky

Hi everyone. I finally put up those pictures from Adam's first road trip up to Ontario, Canada to meet his grandparents, great grandparents and lots of other relatives. He had a great time up there and so did Mike and I. Mike's mom took care of Adam a lot of the time, leaving me with time to sleep and Mike with time to fish. Mike's cousin, Robbie was there with Tina his girlfriend and Lucius (be sure to see Adam's pictures) and I got to meet lots of relatives! It was so much fun, and I can't wait to go back up again. There other set of pictures are from July 4th. Another update is that Mike and I are leaving Bethel; we're moving once again. This time its resulting in the sale of the Bethel Farm on Midway Road; the farm I grew up on. We're looking to buy a house in Lebanon. Hopefully things work out well. luf Becky

Okay, I've added my wedding pictures in the headings and I'll be putting some new Adam pictures in soon. Also I joined a "support group" online for my chronic daily headaches and migraines. They're really swell and offer great advice. This is the page for it. Its really helpful if you suffer as I do from migraines and/or headaches. All is well here. Adam is growing big and healthy and looking just like his Daddy. But thats all for now. Adios! luf Becky

He came a little early. Adam Michael Greene was born on March 14th 2004 at 9:16 PM at Lancaster General Hospital, Women and Babies Clinic. He wasn't due til April 19th, but I was having labor pains and then some weird right upper quadrant pains that made it hard to breathe. My doctor thought I was having panic attacks and prescribed something for it. Later in the middle of the night my water broke while I slept. So I let Mike sleep for a little bit and finished packing our bags. The result was that I had something called HELLP syndrome, a severe form of preeclampsia. I had all the classic symptoms of it, but it was still somehow overlooked. But I've got some pictures for you all. Take a look at the new Adam's Page and tell me what you think in the guestbook. I'll slap some pictures up when I get em. Huggles and Kissy Faces. Luf Becky.

Sorry its been over a year but nothing too drastic has happened. My husband and I moved back to Bethel, but we want to go back to Lebanon. He works as a miller in a flour mill in Annville. And IM PREGNANT! That's right, folks heehee! We know its going to be a boy and we've named him Adam Michael. He's due April 19th and I will get pics of him up soon. Mike and I still play the game that was responsible for us meeting, good old Ultima Online. For more information contact me via icq or email (becky-lynn@msn.com)or go to Repsak's Shard. I'm an Avon lady too, but I no longer work for the hospital due to medical reasons. Welp, that's all for now. Becky Greene signing off...

Okay So you saw I got married. My last name is Greene now. That's Greene with an "e". I'm going to be working on a "Canada Page", which is where my husband is from. I'm going to be scanning some new pictures of us and some kitties. I have three now. Gypsy passed away recently due to feline leukimia. Email me for more information on this deadly and painful disease. Please have your kitties vaccinated for this. All sorts of new things are going on. I'm still at the hospital stressed out as usual, but like I said. I'm going to be gettingback into the swing of things. Things are going to start looking up from here on out! Mrs Greene, signing off...

Alrighty then. Where do I start? I play a game called Ultima Online. ICQ me for more information. I met a guy online and he's got my heart now and he knows what to do with it. I'll try to be a little better about keeping you posted. There will be more pictures soon, I promise. Here he is!!

Well well well...Here we go again. Another entry. I'm still in Lebanon with Gypsy and I did start school
(HACC) just like I said I would. In fact I'm even with a new guy and he's wonderful. He's into race cars and likes country, but he loves me and I've never been so happy with a single person than I am right now. I'm going to buy a scanner so I can show you pictures of him. He has awesome piercings and he's so good to me. He's a gentleman. I'm going to go do some stuff to my website now. Luf you all. Becky.

Geez, that last entry was awful, and I apologize. Last month I was diagnosed with a bipolar disorder and those of you who has it or know someone who does, you know how hard it is. I have an apartment with just me and my kitty, Gypsy. Shadow recently passed away due to feline leukimia and before he left, he shared it with Gypsy. She's all I have. I'm trying to get myself together. I have a full time job at a hospital as a medical secretary in radiology and a part time job as a cashier in a grocery store. I'm going to be starting at a community college this fall and am working two jobs to save money. I'm taking care of myself and I'm even losing weight :) My site has minor changes. New pics and a few corrections with links. There will be more shortly now that I finally have my very own computer. I miss you! Luf Becky Lynn

I'm back in Pennsylvania now. I'm having serious psychiatric problems, but my bud, Cath, from Bradley Academy is encouraging me to get started once again. Jacob and I are no longer together and good riddance. This is Becky Lynn, signing off.

Don't be mad at me for not updating my page more often. I think I'll be doing more things with my Cute Boys Page and when I figure out how to use Jacob's scanner I can update my photoalbums, so do stay tuned. I have some great ideas for the new year. Becky Lynn signing off :)

Hello everyone, tis I, Becky the Great. Now that I have conquered all of Memphis, I'm moving up, or uh, north, that is. Not California, but Washington D.C. and the surrounding cities. Jacob got a really good job up there and he'll be starting shortly. I'll be in touch. Olive Juice!! luf Becky Lynn

Howdy y'all. Heh, can you guess where I moved to? I'm in Memphis, Tennessee. You wouldn't believe me if I told you...I will anyway. I met a guy named Jacob Springer through icq and he convinced me to move out of my house (you should know I was miserable there) and move in with him. So here I am. I'm in his house and typing this on his computer. Thats the cool thing about geocities, I can manage this site from anywhere. I'm currently teaching myself Microsoft Visual Interdev among other nifty programs that I hope will help me to find the job I'm looking for. Wish me luck! Here's the start of a new life. Oh, and for those of you that think I'm giving up on my dreams to go to California, heh, I'm only 20 years old, mind you, I will not stay here for anybody......

Well its not quite tomorrow yet, even though I put tomorrow's date in. One more minute. Anyway, I was waiting for my new guy to come online and he didn't so I'm gonna go to bed soon. (...its tomorrow now...) I just wanted to let you know I updated my main page. I took off the cat links and madonna links and my brother and mom's link and organized them. Its pretty self explanitory, simple click on the Links Page on my main page and you'll see what I did. If any of my friends have a problem with me putting they're page on my site, please let me know. Olive juice!! luf becky lynn

I should be typing in my diary here cause I have a million thoughts going through my head, but I chose to write here. As loyal fans of my not too shabby talents and websites, I believe it is my duty to announce to all ove you that I am running away. Bet you all thought I was pretty damn happy, didn't you? Well, I'm not. If any of you want to move to Pennsylvania, DON'T! And if any of you actually live here, GET OUT! Hm, I love California. Go there. When you do, look me up. Thats Becky with a "B".

Well, its 1:11 am so its tomorrow....hey, make a wish. Course I made a wish at 11:11 and it didn't come true. Oh well. I'm online so late because I was on a role (that and I was waiting for Shaun to come on-needless to say he never did). I wanted to fix my cute boys page and I did. I really like Trey Parker, one of the makers of South Park, voice of Cartman. Sweet. Anyway, since I am going to moving to California and I will be in kinda the same field as he, we will probably meet and fall in love. I can't wait forever, Rob. So I found a bunch of kick ass pictures of him so I slapped em on up. So take a look at my Cute Boys Page, kay? Thas all! *kisses* and goodnight. luf becky lynn

I got my flower power fixed. It was something so minor, I don't even remember anymore. So anyway, I've been spending a lot of time scanning pictures and organizing them like mad, so that I could put up my all new Portfolio Page. I went and scanned some of my drawings and paintings then uploaded the files to geocities and then typed everything out in html format for the whole darn page. Yes, it did take me forever, you better believe. So go ahead check it out and please do tell me what you think. *kisses* luf Becky Lynn

If you know me at all, you'll know what today means to me. Its been a very sad day. Its been a very sad week to be quite honest. No, its been a very sad life. Hey don't mind me, I just have these days. Well, I put up my flower for icq. I don't think its working because it says I'm offline. If I were offline, then I couldn't exactly write this, huh? Alright well, guess thats all for now. Thats what I did. Oh and congradualtions to me, I made it to 1000 visitors. I remember it was at like 980 something and now all of the sudden its at 1018. I must be pretty spiffy. *kisses* luf Becky

Its a Saturday night and guess what I'm doing. Hm. Well, I finally put up my California Page on my main one and I changed the names to Chapters. Let me know what you think of that. Does anyone know how to make a message board?

Its 3 in the morning. One day til Easter. I've been working on my California page forever now. I had so many tiny gliches and I just couldn't find them for the life of me. So finally I have it finished. Please let me know if there's a typo I missed. All I have to do now, is put a link to it on my main page. I'm going to bed......

Well, the California page is taking forever. Its not working right, but I added lots more to my Bree Page, so do have a look at that and let me know what you think. I'm still working on the CA page.

Happy Belated April Fool's Day. I didn't play any jokes on anyone, if you did and they got successful email me and tell me about it. Today I scanned my California pictures. I was in California for three weeks and I want to show my pictures to my sister and mom, but they're all the way out there, so I'm adding another photo album page with all my California pictures in it. Click here to have a look so far. I'm hoping to finish it by tonight, so if you look at it and its screwy. Please let me know.

Today I put my new Updates Page. I'm working on a message board. Hopefully that will be up by tonight.