Just what you needed- another advice column! When in doubt, you can...
Remember, everyone is entitled to my opinion. |
Get him a spiked collar. Not just a studded one, a spiked one. And nothing less than black will do in terms of color. For heaven's sake, stop letting him watch girl movies. You know what I'm talking about. Reward him when he snarls. Ignore him when he brings presents, no matter how thoughtful.
The alternative is to find a bitch who is interested in a dog who treats her nicely. It's up to you.
Your parents have invested a lot of time and money into you and they don't want to see you all busted up. They worry when you're in big cities without them. They want to be sure you come home in one piece, and the best way to do that is for them to go with you.
Still, I know you want good seats. I recommend a compromise on the seating, maybe with earplugs for your mom. Come to think of it, earplugs wouldn't be a bad idea for you, either. You'll still hear the music fine, but you won't have as much hearing damage. Parenthetically, I'd like to mention that being near the speaker banks at a rock concert is the decibel equivalent of being strapped to the underside of a jet at takeoff. Except the jet taking off doesn't last two hours.
All in all, I think you're lucky your mom is willing to go with you. That's devotion for you. And it might not be that bad. When you're older, you'll thank her.
It would not be wrong to ask to stay out until morning. It would be wrong to disobey either your parents' or the boy's parents wishes in this regard. If you stay out all night, i suggest taking a cell phone. Call your parents every now and then to let them know how you are, where you're going, who you're with. They worry.
If either set of parents won't let you stay out all night, respect their wishes gracefully. It will pay you in the end.
Dear Abby; or whoever it is who works here now,
Just recently I was accepted to a summer college program in Tacoma, Washington. It allows students like myself who are in a gifted program to do extra things, like this summer college deal. It's going to last 3 weeks long, I start at the begining of August, and end a near the end of August. So what advice could you give to a 13 year old guy going to college for 3 weeks? Anything I should bring, things I should do, people I should bribe?
Thanks,I have two lists of things to bring:
Packing LightWhen you get to Tacoma, pick up tourist information and a couple of local alternative papers. Look for interesting things to do in your free time, if you have any. When you're in local stores and restaurants, ask people what they recommend. Most people are proud of their towns and are happy to show its best points to visitors.
Stay out of national chains. Ask for directions and advice. Visit parks. Follow rules. Stay out of trouble. That should eliminate the need for knowing whom to bribe. But come to think of it, it doesn't hurt to be extra nice to the custodian in your dorm, and the workers in the dining hall. These people can make your life on campus easier.
It's a big world. Get out there, be friendly and polite, and have fun.