07/11/98 17:39:14
Name: Barb |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I like your web page (s) - Someday, I wish you would show me how to down load the chat stuff, then I could just bounce in when you are online. See ya
07/03/98 13:09:16
Name: mia *pixiechick* | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
A Musician You Like: SOAP | An Artist You Like: erm... | A Writer You Like: Christopher Pike |
Recommend a Good Book: haha the Sweet Valley Saga | A Good Restaurant in Your City: Romeos | A CD You Think I Should Have: All Saints |
Haha your page is very erm...deep keep up the good work
06/30/98 19:52:27
Name: Jesse Jack | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
A Musician You Like: Mighty Mighty Bosstones | An Artist You Like: myself. | A Writer You Like: Winston Groom |
Recommend a Good Book: Better Times than These | A Good Restaurant in Your City: Waterfront Grill | A CD You Think I Should Have: Mighty Mighty Bosstones: More noise and other disturbances |
Very good page. Very artistic. I think you've done a good job...and it has an interesting layout. The content such as the poems and the paintings are interesting also. Good work. Two very inthusiastic thumbs up!
06/28/98 19:56:48
Name: Jen (Llyne) Burton | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
A Musician You Like: Alan Wilder | An Artist You Like: Edward Burne-Jones | A Writer You Like: e.e.cummings |
Recommend a Good Book: Starship Titanic | A Good Restaurant in Your City: Hai Hong | A CD You Think I Should Have: Bloodline |
Hi, Peej :)
I dropped by after scrabbling through old e-mails to find your web address. . . I was actually trying to find the last e-mail you sent, but it seems to have vanished :(. I guess you figured it reached me due to the graduation announcement that didn't get
Return to Sender" stamped on it, but I'm sorry not to have replied more directly. Some people might surf the net, but I often feel like I just doggy-paddle, and get swamped by big waves a lot. At any rate, I really enjoyed your site, and learned a lot abo
t you from it. My respect rating went up a few notches (like it wasn't high already). What can I say but I admire your bravery and openness and perseverance, and the sense of humor that manages somehow to make it through. I'll try to drop by graduated_cyl
nder sometime soon -- I'll get there a lot sooner than I will Vermont (though Andy, a Kappa in N.H., is pounding on me to make a road trip and trying to lure me in by saying you're not too far away, it would be worth my while. . .etc.). It's more a money
ssue than anything else; no job and dependent on the charity of my parents. It will be easier to drop by from Ithaca than from Orlando, FL, though, so I'm thinking about it. At any rate, I'll be in touch. Very nice site. I read all the poetry, despite the
fact I hate reading poetry online (it should be read on a horizontal plane, not a vertical one, my brain insists), and was very impressed. Truly.
06/19/98 03:01:32
Name: Michelle |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hi Peej,
I finally got a chance to find a computer with internet access to check out your site. I am very impressed. If you get a chance call me and we might be able to go to lunch together.
See you later! Trumpet Lips
06/10/98 09:15:51
Name: Ronan Rooney | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
A Musician You Like: Natalie Merchant | An Artist You Like: "Kodiak" | A Writer You Like: Dude who wrote "The Hot Zone" |
Recommend a Good Book: The Hot Zone | A Good Restaurant in Your City: The Roadhouse Lodge | A CD You Think I Should Have: For you Peejy, Hanson: 3 Car Garage |
Whoa, this has to be one of the more classier guestbooks I've ever seen. I think I put half decent answers in [don't look half stupid do I?], there's nothing wrong with being a Hanson fan. Kill the stereotype will ya? I can honestly say I looked at every
orner and crack of this site of yours, fnx. Nice job. Nice workings of the Macintosh. Sorry, had to get an Apple plug in there. Uhm.. looked at your writings section. Did you write that short story about romantic bloody death all by yourself?!? Awww, it g
ves me that *squirmy* feeling. You remind me of that one lady on Daria who's always like "SHUT UP, YOU MAN!" Hehe, I dunno why I put that, hahaha. Yes well delightful work here. I have to say, this is DEFINATLY a page that puts its words and purpose inste
d of wasting idle time on design and pretty colors. That's an important quality the internet as unfortunatly lost. Well see you in #hanson. :o)
05/16/98 11:54:55
Name: Stephanie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
A Musician You Like: Mariah Carey | An Artist You Like: Van Gogh | A Writer You Like: John Grisham |
Recommend a Good Book: "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin | A Good Restaurant in Your City: Ponderosa | A CD You Think I Should Have: Third Eye Blind (self-titled) |
You definitely have a talent for writing! The "worlds" idea is very creative too. Keep up the good work!
05/11/98 13:18:41
Name: Opal | My URL: Visit Me | A Musician You Like: Savage Garden, anything lyrically meaningful |
An Artist You Like: Salvador Dali, I consider myself an artist too!! | A Writer You Like: JOhn Marsden | Recommend a Good Book: Dear Miffy (short, but very unpredictable & moving) |
A Good Restaurant in Your City: Aldanny's pizza/pasta place | A CD You Think I Should Have: Savage Garden's self titled, the Titanic soundtrack |
Fnx, is it U who is reading this now? If so, do you remember me?? Opal?? It's been a while since I last had a chat with thee, so I decided I might just check out thy page while I was looking for Australian Art on the Net for my assignment ((no luck)) I ha
en't been using HANSON LINE since school went back, so I might, just might, catch you soon. It's good to have a decent conversation with someone other than a Hanson crazed teeny bopper!! Catch ya later,
04/19/98 13:21:11
Name: Avie` | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
A Musician You Like: Hanson | An Artist You Like: Hanson (they are artists too) | A Writer You Like: Hanson (they write their own songs) |
Recommend a Good Book: MMMBop to the Top | A Good Restaurant in Your City: Macca's | A CD You Think I Should Have: Middle of Nowhere |
fnx you legend! I'm just writing to say hi! Where's the ask flask? Where's the Love? hehehe bye *hugs*
03/29/98 17:52:32
Name: Michael Falk | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
A Musician You Like: John Coltrane | An Artist You Like: Vincent Van Gogh | A Writer You Like: Mark Twain |
Recommend a Good Book: "The Literary Offenses of Fenimore Cooper", an essay by Twain | A Good Restaurant in Your City: The Mandarin, Ames, IA | A CD You Think I Should Have: "Kind Of Blue", Miles Davis |
Quite a well designed page! Good work.
Warren G. Harding was *certainly* a worse president than Jimmy Carter.
And, when I can actually cook (when I leave my dorm room for the summer) I think that the Thai Sweet and Sour Soup would be a worthwhile project.
See you on IRC,
03/02/98 19:24:00
Name: BoyGeorge | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
A Musician You Like: BoyGeorge | An Artist You Like: Me. | A Writer You Like: we. |
Recommend a Good Book: The Bible by Who knows | A Good Restaurant in Your City: In & Out Burger | A CD You Think I Should Have: Cutlure club's Greatest hits |
02/28/98 16:32:04
Name: Slinky | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | A Musician You Like: Taylor Hanson |
A Good Restaurant in Your City: Park Place | A CD You Think I Should Have: Hanson (if u dont have it) |
Your webpage is ok!
02/24/98 09:48:22
Name: Eddie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
A Musician You Like: Tragic Kingdom, Don't go away.... | An Artist You Like: Gwen Stefani and Alanis Morissete | A Writer You Like: huum....I dunno.. |
Recommend a Good Book: well....heheh | A Good Restaurant in Your City: Rodeio | A CD You Think I Should Have: Tragic Kingdom |
Hi, Peej! Your page is very cool!!!!!
But it's under construction, right?;)
Well...You know how to do a web page! Really!!!!!
bye bye, fnx!:-)
02/15/98 16:24:45
Name: Amici Del Brasile |
My URL: Visit Me |
02/09/98 04:58:17
Name: Serina | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
A Musician You Like: uhhmm.... | An Artist You Like: hmmm...... | A Writer You Like: lets see..... |
Recommend a Good Book: where do I begin *G* | A Good Restaurant in Your City: Mandarin | A CD You Think I Should Have: oooppss!! |
Thought I'd drop by and check out your page...its coming along nicely! Thanks for the link to my page :o) I shall be back to check it out again. Thanks for visiting my website and signing my guestbook..hope you'll come back and visit!