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Joss Whedon is An Evil Bastard

Joss, Joss, Joss. How do you confuse the hell out of me? Let me count the ways....

Okay, first, you want the Slayer to come to Sunnydale where there's a Hellmouth and a Master Vampire who is so old, he looks like one of those creepy-crawly cave dwelling critters that's all white and blind.

Let's examine all that, shall we? I mean, okay, Sunnydale's been around for a while. It's a small lil' town and has small lil' people in it. It's never had a Slayer before. Yet, it's not gone. There's a fucking Hellmouth there, Jossy. And a Master Vampire who's been trapped there for God knows how long. And the town is still standing? Uhm.... That makes no sense.

Then, second, you have Angel. Cute lil' blood-sucking Vampykins that fell in love *shudder* with the Slayer the first moment he saw her.

He's a Vampire. If I were a Vampire, even a souled one, I think I would have a problem with falling in love with the one chick on earth who will give up her own life to kill my species.

And he fell in love with her?! She was Cordelia with blonde hair, for God's sake! Why would he fall in love with her?! Because she cried like a baby while her parents were bitching at each other?! I guess all that starvation Angel put himself through messed with his head, huh?

Third, the townspeople are so oblivious.

Let's see. There's a Hellmouth, a Master Vampire trapped underneath the school library (which is way odd in itself), Vampires roaming around, werewolves, zombies, genius highschoolers who bring their brothers back from the dead and then try to make back-from-the-dead Cordelias, Demons who get scanned into computers to become 'net Demons, Bezoars, nightmares that become reality, big blue smurfs that became homicidal and started burning the humanity out of...well...humanity, Acathla the Amazing Stone Boy, invisible girls, etc. The list goes on and on. But the townspeople never fucking notice! Not once. Not until Buffy gets that stupid little Class Protector Award. She sent her boyfriend to Hell and she gets a tiny umbrella with glitter on it? That's just twisted, Joss.

What else? Fourth, no one ever goes into the damn library.

In the three seasons that the Slayer and her Slayerettes met in the library, students came in a total of once to actually use the non-archaic books. Once.

Fifth, those archaic books.

How come no one ever notices that the school librarian has a rare collection of dark magic/demonology/general evil stuff books? I mean, come on! With a principal like Snyder around?

Sixth, the pack.

They ate their frickin' principal and everyone thought it was a pack of wild dogs that had somehow managed to sneak unnoticed into his office, eat him, and then shut the door behind them? Huh?

Seventh, Spike, Angelus, Dru.

Let me get this straight. Spike is madly in love with Dru. Dru is mad. And in love with Angelus. Angelus is a twisted son of a bitch who likes to play mind games. And Spike actually stayed with them and didn't try to kill Angelus for the first twenty-six years or so of his unlife?

Eighth, Giles.

I like Giles. Have since the beginning. But I like him better now. When, exactly, though, did he turn into Ripper again? I mean, if you look at him in the first season, then take a look at the end of the third, you will see some real Ripperesque qualities there. How did that happen?

Ninth, the Council.

Uhm...Buffy is the original Slayer. Faith is a psycho. Yet, they fire Buffy's preferred watcher and replace him with Wesley Windham-Price?! Um, shouldn't they want to make Buffers as happy as possible?

Tenth, and last point. Buffy is the Slayer, she falls in love with a Vampire, said Vampire loses his soul, kills her teacher, Buffy finally is able to kill him, he regains his soul, she still has to kill him. Then her friends and family can't understand why she ran away?

Uhm...why not?

In conclusion, Sunnydale's tap water is spiked with crack and tweek and I'm a Butterfly Queen.

Oh, yeah. And Joss Whedon is An Evil Bastard.