FanFic Submission Guildlines
† All fic submissions should be sent to me with "FIC SUBMISSION" (yes, in all caps) in the subject line. If you're just clicking on the mailto link there, it will put it in for you. If you're copy/pasting my e-mail addy, you'll need to manually enter it into the subject line.
† I prefer the fics to be sent to me just through e-mail, no attatchments. Easiest thing to do is copy/paste it into the text field. If you'd like things emphasized, you can use basic HTML like this (w/out the *): <*i>italics<*/i> comes out like this italics or <*b>bold<*/b> comes out like this bold. Otherwise, feel free to use * or all caps for emphasis.
† Spell checking is important. I will not go through and edit your fic, so how you send it to me is how it's going to go up.
† Header:‡ Title: What the fic is called.
‡ Name: Either your real name or you nickname.
‡ E-mail: The one you would like feedback sent to.
‡ Rating: You must have this. G through NC-17. If you're not sure, ask.
‡ Summary: Short summary of what your fic is about.
‡ Disclaimer: I don't require it be an actual disclaimer (all you have to do is look at some of my fic to know that) but I need you to put something here.
‡ Other: Special notes, dedications, anything else you'd like people to know.