The Brain . . . Mwuhaha.
Q1: What is the brain?
A1: The brain is a euphemism for the testicles, i.e. a male’s store for his reproductive fluid.
Q2: What is the significance of the brain?
A2: Really, it is significant for two reasons. The first: while a man’s mind is for the thinking, his brain is for the sex. The second: every man may one-day be faced with the dare of exposing his brain while not exposing his penis.
Q3: How does one go about performing the operation detailed in A2?
A3: Actually, the operation is rather simple, though it will take some amount of intestinal fortitude on the part of the darer(s) and the dared to see it to completion. All it really involves is the dared unzipping his pants, reaching into his underwear, grabbing his testicles, and pulling them in front of the flap of his underwear while not exposing his penis. That is crucial to the exercise, for if he exposes the brain and the penis he has lost. Please be aware, though, that winning the dare is EXTREMELY difficult for the dared if he does not wear underwear.
Q4: Do many people involve themselves in such dares?
A4: Yes.
Q5: Is it fun?
A5: You better believe it.