Costantino Conte
Visit Costantino's Abruzzese Songs page--Click Here!
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Click Here to download "Tu Scende Dalle Stelle"  ("You Come Down From the Stars")  2.3MB
Click Here to download "Santa Notte" ("Silent Night")  1.2MB
Click Here to download "Bianco Natale" ("White Christmas")  1.1MB
Click Here to download "Calabresella" (accordian instrumental "Calabrese Girl")  2.3 MB
Click Here to download "Senza Li Scarpe" (Without Shoes)  1.0MB
New songs will be put up in place of these from time to time, so check back!

                                                                                  LYRICS BELOW
                                                 Tu Scende Dalle Stelle
                                         (You Come Down From the Stars)
(This is a very old and immensely popular Christmas song, originally played and sung by the shepherds, some of whom would come down from the mountains to play in the cities at Christmas time.  Even today bagpipers from Abruzzo and Molise can be found on the streets of Rome at Christmas playing this song.)
Tu scendi dalle stelle
O Re del Cielo,
E vieni in una grotta
al freddo al gelo,
E vieni in una grotta
al freddo al gelo.

O Bambino mio Divino,
O ti vedo qui a tremar.
O Dio Beato!
Ah! Quanto ti costo
L’avermi amato?
Ah! Quanto ti costo
L’avermi amato?

A te che sei del mondo
il Creatore,
Mancano panni e fuoco
O mio Signore,
Mancano panni e fuoco
O mio Signore.

Caro eletto Pargoletto
quanto questa povertà più
Giacché ti fece amor
povero ancora,
Giacché ti fece amor
povero ancora.
From the stars you descend
O King of Heaven,
And enter a grotto
in the cold and the ice,
And enter a grotto
in the cold and the ice.

O my sweet Divine Child,
I see you here shivering
O Blessed Lord!
Ah! How much does it cost you
Your love of me?
Ah! How much does it cost you
Your love of me?

You who are the world's
Lack clothing and fire
O my Lord,
Lack clothing and fire
O my Lord.

Dear chosen Infant
How much more this poverty
Makes me care for you,
Since love has made you
so poor,
Since love has made you
so poor.
Santa Notte
(Silent Night)
Astro del ciel,
Pargol divin,
Mite agnello redentor,
Tu che image da lunghi sognar,
Tu che angeliche voci nunziar,
Luce dona alle genti
Pace infondi nei cuor.

Astro del ciel,
Pargol divin,
ite agnello redentor,
Tu di stripe regale tesor,
Tu virgine mistico fior,
Luce dona alle genti,
Pace infondi nei cuor.
Star of Heaven,
Divine child,
Meek redeeming lamb,
You of whom the kings dreamed from afar,
You, whom angelic voices heralded,
Give light to the people,
Give peace to all hearts.

Star of Heaven,
ivine child,
Meek redeeming lamb,
You who are a treasure of royal descent,
You who are a pure mystic flower,
Give light to the people,
Give peace to all hearts.
Bianco Natale
(White Christmas)
Quel lieve tuo candor, neve
Discende lieto nel mio cuor,
Nella notte santa
Il cuor e sulta
D’amore“E natale ancor.”

E viene giu dai ciel, lento
Un dolce canto ammaliator
Che mi dice
“spera anche tu,
É natale, non soffrire piu”.

That gentle whiteness, snow,
Falls gladly into my heart,
In the holy night
My heart sings
of love,“It is Christmas again.”

And there comes down from heaven, slowly,
A sweet bewitching song
That tells me
“Have hope,It’s Christmas,
suffer no more.”

Senza Li Scarpe
(Without Shoes)
There is a breeze that smells of violets.
Shining from afar is the first sunrise.
One day it will be said, but it won't be true,
That when I don't see you it will be a black day.

I walk without shoes,
But I am not without love.
I walk without shoes,
But I am not without love.

This summer I will meet you in the meadow.
All the flowers have been cut.
I'll be leaving on the first train, do not wake me,
But I will tell you when to expect me.

I walk without shoes,
But I am not without love.
I walk without shoes,
But I am not without love.

The letters that you send me are here in my heart.
They are written to be kissed, but they are just words.
Only just look at the ring you wear on your finger--
My love you can be sure that I will be true to you.

I walk without shoes,
But I am not without love.
I walk without shoes,
But I am not without love.
Se cope spero un aria che sa de violi.
Speria da lungo sono il primo sole.
Un giorno veddetto, ma non e vero,
Amore si non ti veddo e un giorno nero.

Senza li scarpe caminero,
Senza l'amore non ci sto.
Senza li scarpe caminero,
Senza l'amore non ci sto.

Se statte ci vedde insieme in mezza il prati.
Agli fiore dalizzi l'ian taliate.
Arti col primo traino, non me sveliari,
Ma io chieto quando so pro spettare.

Senza li scarpe caminero,
Senza l'amore non ci sto.
Senza li scarpe caminero,
Senza l'amore non ci sto.

Li lettra che mi mandi, a qui sul cuore.
C'e scritte per li baciarti, ma sono parole;
Poi guardo quella nell che porta al ditto--
Amore poi stari securi non poi traddito.

Senza li scarpi caminero,
Senza l'amore non ci sto.
Senza li scarpe caminero,
Senza l'amore non ci sto.
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