The Rave

Disclaimer/ Epilogue/ Part One


Disclaimer: All characters are the sole property of Joss Wheadon and Mutant Enemy. I own nothing. Nothing at all. I don't even own the web page these fics are archived on. Pathetic much? This fic is set after Faith, Hope, and Trick.


Teen age bodies pressed together . . . the heat was intense. Terrified screams rose above the crackling of burning wood. Panic and chaos ruled. Torn hands and broken fingers clawed desperately at the solid oak door. Grey smoke filled the house, choking the people trapped inside. Like animals.

The fire grew so hot that glass exploded; raining on the bodies, inducing more terror and fear. Razor shards pierced the skin of thier victims, and little streams of red, red, blood dripped down arms, legs, and faces. Finally, merciful fire consumed them all.

Standing just outside of the fire's reach, a dark figured chuckled and reached in to it's pocket for a cigarette. Taking a deep draw, the figure smiled at his companion. The companion grinned and rasped out, "Ashes to Ashes." She grabbed the cigarrette from the dark figure, took his hand and started to walk away.

"Man!" The figure shouted, "That was some party."

Part 1

"Oh my gosh!" Faith shouted, dashing into the Bronze where the rest of the slayerettes were waiting to leave campus for lunch. "This is gonna be a great party!"

Willow and Buffy exchanged quick glances. "What party?" they asked in unison.

"Yeah," Oz piped up, "I haven't heard of any party." He looked around himself at every one dancing. "Other than the one going on around us right now."

Buffy smiled, grabbing one of the flyers Faith was handing out.

"Come one come all," Xander read. "To the party of the century. Friday, the twenty sixth. 417 Old Capital Road. $10 admittance." He looked around the table confused.

"It's a Rave!" Cordellia said excited. "I cannot believe they're gonna have one. I've never been." She turned to her boyfriend Xander. "We are so there."

Buffy grinned at Faith. "I've been. Back in L.A. Those thing are way wild."

"Duh," Faith practically shouted, "That's why we're gonna go."

"Old Capital Road," Oz murmered, "That's ten miles out of town."

Faith laughed, "Yeah, because Raves are illegal in city limits."

Willow gulped, "Illegal? We're going to an 'illegal' party?"

To be continued . . .