Agenda:  March 6, 2007

ELA Standard E5b Produce work in at least one genre that follows the conventions of the genre.

Opening of Reader’s Workshop

·        Mini-Lesson: How do readers identify historical accuracy?

Work Session

·        Word Work: What is the verbatim definition of “verbatim”?

·         Shared Reading: “Bandit Rebels Ravage Sierra Leone” and excerpt from A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier

·        Reader’s Notebook: Write a conversation you remember having with a friend or member of your family about an event in the news.

·        Share Out

·        Mini-Lesson: How do viewers identify historical context clues and predict the outcome of events in a film?

·        View Fiddler on the Roof

·        Reader’s Notebook: Response to Fiddler on the Roof  - Why would any of the people living in Tevia’s village want to leave?


·        Share Out


Homework #68

1.    Independent Reading – 30 minutes minimum

2.    Literary Letter: Predict what will happen to the main character in your book.