Agenda:  April 23, 2007

ELA Standard E5b Produce work in at least one genre that follows the conventions of the genre.

Opening of Reader’s Workshop

·        Independent Reading – Check Completions

Work Session

·        Mini-Lesson:  How do readers understand the universal form of the hero’s quest?

·        RN: Hero’s Quest – The Journey – Where on “The Journey”  is your character in your Independent Reading book? Explain.

·        Read Aloud: Roots Chapter 21

·        RN: “The Journey” of Kunta Kinte – Chart Kunta Kinte’s journey in Chapter 21
The Known
The Call
The Threshold
The Challenge
The Abyss
The Decision
The Resolution
The Return to the Known


·        Share Out

Opening of Writer’s Workshop

·        Mini-Lesson: How do writer’s format dialogue in their stories?

Work Session

·        Pair Work: Find examples of dialogue in Roots Chapter 21. What do you notice about format and punctuation?

·        Dialogue Format and Punctuation: In your Writer’s Notebook copy the chart.


·        Share Out



Homework #78

1.    Independent Reading 30 minutes minimum

2.    Create a dialogue between your main character and their friend or a family member about what they have heard of America – show “The Call” in dialogue