Ms. Stahl-Van Brackle, Literacy 823
January 26, 2006











1. Independent Reading

     a. Read your Independent Reading

     b. Write Completions for IR Books

     c. Check Completions

Opening of Writer’s Workshop

2. Mini-Lesson: How do we layout a feature article using Microsoft Word?

a. Creating Charts and graphs

b. Creating tables

c. Font size for different elements (headline, deck, body text, captions)

d. Inserting images

e. Pull quotes

3. Mini-Lesson: How do we use a mock article as a template?

Work Session

4. Pair Work: Swap sidebars, captions, images, graphs, charts, Q&As, Points with a partner. Proofread your partner’s work and make recommendations to improve.


5. Share Out



Homework #70

Start putting the pieces together for your final draft. Write a question, idea or suggestion about layout and design to be shared in class.