The Jewel in the Crown: Apocrypha

Trust me, it's worth the wait...
A friend's take on Donatello...Click here for the larger, uncropped image.

"Apocrypha," according to the American Heritage dictionary, usually refers to the 14 books of the Bible that Protestants consider to be of doubtful authorship. Eleven of these are considered canon by the Roman Catholic Church. More generally, "apocrypha" means "writings of questionable ownership or authenticity." The reason I chose "Apocrypha" as a title was to give the idea that this was not a story that would fit in well with the known Turtles universe. Though I don't change anything about the past, the future-- and certain things about the present-- are radically different from (for one) the direction the current comics are taking. This is an alternate future, one possibility in a world of millions of possibilities. This is only one vision of what the Turtles are and could be.

Welcome to the Apocrypha. Sift through the parchments, see what you like.

PARENTS: Your discretion is advised. Please email me with any questions, concerns, etc.


Book One: Angel


Book Two: Man


Book Three: Wolf

And now the prequel-- which really shouldn't be read until you start reading "Apocrypha," but hell, I can't stop ya... one of these days I'll have to think of a title... it's a two-parter, and is thus complete...

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