Queene Anne
She is sleeping in silence
A million miles from the screech of the heat downtown
Maybe quarter to ten tonight
She'll be awake and crying, trying to come around
Queen Anne stares at the needle
Only thirty years old and she's falling apart
She's surrounded and drowning
And the needle burns like a falling star in the dark
The traffic lights outside
Move north like a river through the night
All cold and red, her eyes
Are gazing past the towers of glass and light
What's in it for me she says?
You can't buy me what I've already had and thrown away
This city holds my destiny
For me, tommorrow is just another day
She's been thinking again
The bottle in her hand has be come a crutch
Don't be so sad Queen Anne
You can drink your fill of life and still never get enough
What's in this for me she says
You can't buy me what I've already thrown away
This town will be the death of me
'Till then, tommorrow is just another day
And the traffic moves north again
She's staring at the glass again
There's the needle again, she thinks
Don't be so sad, Queen Anne

C Rigby
In silent slumber you come
Wispering you are the one

And even a sleep, i am aware
my gallent knight is out there

And when i wake i can say
We were together in a special way

So I keep you near my heart
Offering you my dreams as a start.
