~*The Order of the Fluffy Ones*~

All righty, so you're probably wondering about the Fluffy Ones whom we so faithfully follow. You may wonder about their society and what they do and why. So, fear not! They will be somewhat explained here!

The Society of the Fluff is an interesting one. In a way, it could be paralled to the stereotypical mafia setup. Roughly, here's how the heirarchy goes...or more appropropriately, the "pecking order":

-The Great Eep- (serves as a sort of 'godly' presence to be revered among the fluff)

-The Fluffy Godfather- (like the stereotypical godfather of the movies, this fluff is old, cranky, and rather incoherant. Also, he serves to be the earthly presence of the Most Greatly Revered, Great Eep)

-The Translator(s) for the Fluffy Godfather- (a middlefluff between guests, members, and the earthly presence of the Most Greatly Revered, Great Eep, the Fluffy Godfather. Sometimes there are up to 3-5 fluffs filling this position since they also serve the Godfather as ambassadors to the Fluffs of neighboring territories. Larger territories sometimes have 7.)

-The Messengers of the Fluffy Godfather and his Translator(s)- (these positions are numererous and average about 2-4 messengers per translator and Godfather of each territory. They are often Fluffies of small stature which allows them good manuverability and stealth.)

-The Henchfluffs- (these Fluffs carry out the evil deeds of the Fluffy Godfather. They will often use whatever means neccessary to score the points for their side without questioning the Godfather's orders. The more experienced and larger of these henchfluffs have been known to carry off prey as large as a young lamb for the Godfather's lambchops.)

-The Henchfluffies- (Fluffies working under the orders of the Fluffy Godfather rather than the Henchfluffs. Being smaller in stature than the Fluffs, the Fluffies often help the Godfather keep control of areas not commonly visited by the Henchfluffs or else serving as companions and right-hand fluffies and/or advisors to the Godfather. They have the ability to take these higher positions because they occupy less space and their wit is better than their bulk...which isn't a lot...)

-Minions of the Henchfluffs- (these Fluffs are merely whoever's left over after the pick and pecking is finished. They become minions to the Henchfluffs in order to stop themeselves from falling lower down the order and being mocked as being Fluffies rather than Fluffs. Sometimes the actual Fluffies in this order are rather offended by the slang term used for rejected Fluffs)

-The Fluffs- (the common Fluffs uninvolved with the power struggles above them.)

-The Fluffies- (these Fluffs are either Henchfluffs that have been rejected or they are the smaller kin of the Fluffs. Again, just the common creatures...)

-The Fluffy Cult- (yes, we non-fluffs live at the bottom of the heirarchy to devotedly serve the Fluffy Ones and spread the word of their fluffy presence. After all, they are the children of the Most Great Revered, Great Eep! Our own pecking order will be sorted out eventually...)

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© 1999. Draco Samhain.
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