[Angel's Room][The Darkside]

These pages are Dedicated to my Angel

The following pages contain some poems I have written my Angel
I have shared them with her and now I want to share them with the world
The following writings are from my heart to hers.

Love Notes


You walked into the room
And into my heart
You sat with me
And danced into my life
You held my hand
And gave me hope
You kissed me
And won my love
You loved me
And got my soul


First kiss

Her eyes meet mine
My heart is pounding
I hold her close
I feel her warmth
Her softness
My mind is racing
I bring my lips to hers
Our first kiss
I want it to last forever.


The Feeling

How can I tell you
How can I show you
How I feel
Words can never say it
Drawings can never show it
Gifts can never measure it
It’s in our touch
It’s in our look
It’s in our soles.


True love

There comes a time in all our lives
A time when our past meets our future
A time when total happieness is achieved
A time when heart and sole become one
A time so intense so complete
A time when two will become one
A time that you will meet your one true love
The time I met you



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