MotherShip                  .

Standing in a field,
waiting for the mothership
I scan black sky
with squinting eyes 
for the glowing egg
from a parallel dimension.

Tonight is the reunion.

Aimlessly I've drifted,
for so long,
seeking warmth
in an interstellar void
infected with a homesickness
as vast as a universe.

A severed cord
from the cosmic womb
drags behind me...

But in mirrors and glassy things 
like bottles or brass
I can see the calling eyes
of the grays. 

They told me to wait here.

I take a deep breath of cool air
and listen carefully.

So quiet it is tonight,
crickets chirp, 
communicating with each other
in their secret code.

I listen more...

Across the galaxy
an antenna transmits silent waves
tuned to reach my mind.

Like a laser it seeps 
into my skull and reaches my brain.

They are close.
They are coming.
I hear them calling me...










© 1997 by David Bozzi

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