H'i, I'm Kate. I live in Copenhagen, Denmark
I make bobbin laces.
I want to show you some of my favourite bobbin laces which I have made during the last 20 years.
This baby bonnet I just finished and it has allready been used when my niece Sofie Skov's was christened in the month of august. The pattern for the shoes is taken from a little book called: Kloskant in drie dimensies by Annelies de Kort-van Zijderveld.
If you like my laces please sent me an e-mail: stormly@vip.cybercity.dk.
I'm a member of "Foreningen Knipling i Danmark" (Society of Laces in Denmark) who publish a magazine 4 times a year. The magazine contain laces and patterns and are very easy to work after.
I collect all kinds of lacebooks. The oldest book I have is a french lace book from 1914. Title: Les dentelles L'Art de Reconnaitre les Dentelles.
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Last updated: September 1998