5/1/99 - VHS - Live in Australia 1. Argue
2. Girl like that
3. Damn
4. Real World
5. Shame
6. Hang
7. Tired
8. body
9. 3 am
10. Busted
11. Push
12. Back 2 good
13. Time after time
14. Don't let me down
15. You and I and I
16. Long day
8/27/97 - The Varsity Theater cd 1. Argue
2. Girl Like That
3. Damn
4. Back 2 Good
5. 3 am
6. You & I & I
7. Real world
8. Shame
9. Hang
10. Time after time
11. Tired
12. Kody
13. Push
14. Busted
15. Long Day