Tera B. Bird!

Full Name: Tera Bull Bird
Aliases: Butthead, Orange Avenger
Hatchdate: April 2000
Sex: Male
Length: Approximately 10-10.5 inches beak to tail
Weight: Approximately 100 grams
Color: Orange, yellow, red, green, blue
Super Power: Cloak of Stupidity, Noises of Incredible Cuteness
Sidekick: The Green Menace
The Name: Short for Amaterasu, a Shinto sun goddess.

Tera was Pet of the Day on June 7, 2001


What kind of bird is he?
Tera is a sun conure, a little parrot. As conures go, he's medium sized. For more information about all kinds of conures, check out the links on Echo's page.

What does he look like?
The picture on the left was taken when he was about three or four months old, and the one on the right when he was about 2 years old. What a difference!!!

How big is he?
Haven't measured him yet, but he's a bit bigger than Echo. So probably 10 or 11 inches from beak to tail.

Can he talk?
Not yet. But he may when he gets older. Suns have much better voices in general than green cheeks, so he'll be able to talk better than Echo. He's working on it though. He makes this adorable noise that we know is "Tera," because he makes it and head bobs every time we say his name. He's constantly making noise when he's happy, especially when in his Happy Hut, in someone's shirt, or in the shower. There aren't even words to describe how terribly cute he can be.p>What does Tera like to do?
Tera likes to chew. A lot. We figure he's beaking, kind of like teething but without the teeth. He likes to nibble on fingers, ears, lips, noses, jewelry, wooden toys of all sorts, and Echo. He also likes to lay on his back and get pets. He's also particularly good at flying, despite having clipped wings. He doesn't like to be left alone or ignored and will fly to anyone he can see. His favorite activity, by far, is to climb inside his daddy's shirt. He'll sit there for hours, just laughing and growling and being absolutely adorable.

What doesn't Tera like to do?
Ummm... Nothing I can think of but be ignored. He doesn't seem particularly interested in his toys when there are people around, so he really doesn't amuse himself.

What does Tera eat?
Tera used to stick only to his pellets, but now he loves people food and you can't eat anything without giving him some, though he'll usually touch it with his beak and shake it off before he tastes it first. He likes to dip his pellets in the water spout of his water bottle and get them all muchy before he eats them. Fruit treats and dried fruit are also some of his favorites.

Would you recommend Suns as pets?
Sure. They're fairly small, absolutely adorable, and friendly. The only concern would have to be the noise. Unlike Echo who couldn't scream very loudly if his tail depended on it, Suns can let out ear-piercing screeches. Tera does it when he's hungry or being ignored. He doesn't do it too often, but when he does it can be heard for at least half a block. So people in apartments may want to consider that.

Tera would like you to be aware of the following Bird 10 Commandments, written by Jane Hallander:

1. My life is likely to last 10 or more years. Any separation from you will be painful to me. Remember that before you take me home.
2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
3. Place your trust in me — it’s crucial to my well being.
4. Don’t be angry with me for long, and don’t lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your entertainment, and your friends. I have only you.
5. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don’t understand your words, I do understand your voice when it’s speaking to me.
6. Be aware that however you treat me, I’ll never forget it.
7. Remember before you hit me that I have a beak that could easily crush the bones of your hand, but that I choose not to bite you.
8. Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I’m not getting the right food, or I’ve been in the cage too long.
9. Take care of me when I get old; you too will get old.
10. Go with me on the last journey. Never say "I can’t bear to watch it," or "Let it happen in my absence." Everything is easier for me if you are there. Remember that I love you.

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Sun Conures at 1-2 Tweet Aviary
Sun Conure Pictures from Birth to 2 Years
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