Updates & Up and Coming Pages
I've just started this page for public use. If you have any suggestions on how to make this page better, please don't hesitate to email me privately.
4/20/99 - After about 2 weeks of updating, all the HTML coding was updated and fixed. If you see anything that is wrong and not right with the site, please mail me by clicking on the following link. Email Goddess Dee
New pages as of this date-
- Survey.html
- Magick.html
- InsOils.html- I combined the Incense Recipes with Oil Recipes.
4/22/99 - I added a short survey. I also added a different bulletin board. This one works better. It's under construction, and it may or may not work. If it works or doesn't work for you, please email me. I deleted the Amazon.com banner, and canceled my membership, since it was just taking up space. :)
4/23/99 - Today I added the following pages. I also added these to the pull down menu.
Things coming soon!
In the near future -
- A new layout plan
- A large Craft section
- Quote of the week
- Goddess of the week
- A Search Engine
- A letter from "God" - This letter is great, and it also makes Christians think.
- A list of stores - Have your own list? Please feel free to submit them to me by email.
- More awards given to me
Not necessarily in this order. Please submit any ideas you have through an email. Send me your quotes. Submit any information you wish, and I will decide if it goes up or not. :) I made this page to please you.