Creed of the Sisterhood

* Know that Friendship is to be treasured.
* Don't stop the Parade to pick up a dime.
* Believe in Love at first site!
* Never laugh at any ones Dreams.
* Follow the Rules of the Three R's
•Respect for Self
•Respect for Others
•Responsibility for your actions.
* Every so often they invite the person in line behind them to go in front.
* Win without boasting. Lose without excuses.
* Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
* Never drive while holding a cup of hot coffee between their knees.
* Don't let weeds grow up around their Dreams.
* Don't confuse wealth with success.
* Approach Love and Cooking with reckless abandon.
* Don't get too big for bicycles.
* Are never ashamed of honest tears.
* Know their worth, regardless of what others think.
* Every so often they let the spirit of adventure take precedence over good sense.
* Offer a safe haven for children, the less fortunate, the homeless, and lost animals.
* Open their arms to change, but never let go their values.
* Never Judge people by their relatives.
* Believe that simple things often offer the greatest pleasures.
* Would never sell their Teddy Bear, High School Yearbook, or their letter sweater at a yard sale.
* Commit random act of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.


The Sisterhood