Lauren's this extremely sweet girl from Southern California, who says a lot of touching things. Our greatest connection is that we're both "music whores" (to quote Hellebelle)...we're extremely obsessed with it and buy more CDs than we really should. Lauren's only just old enough to drive and she's already had a gothic song written about her! Pretty amazing, huh? The song is "Sister Sin" and written by a gothic band in Michigan that broke up in 1998. This inspiration rubs off on the people she meets, because she's extremely sweet and self-afacing. She's an angel to her friends and will open her home to anyone who needs "Shelter from the Storm" (to quote Bob Dylan). Her inspiration is also found in that she's extremely creative. I got a package in early October of 1998 from her that just blew my mind. She went all out on this thing! I knew she was going to make this artistic letter for it and I told her to make it EXtra special, so that it would be worthy of framing. Amazingly enough, she made it something you could frame and sell at an art show! This letter had black paint covering most of it and dripping down on the bottom. She signed the white area at the bottom of the paper and wrote on the black paint with a silvery pen more of a poem, then a letter. Lauren's also my industrial/gothic music teacher and sent me a tape of just a few of her favorites songs. She loves pumping bassy dance industrial music. Just to give an idea, here are the contents of the tape:
I spent the weekend with Lauren my first semester at my college in SoCal, Spring 99. She turned out to be the sweetest girl that I have ever met in my entire life. We had fun clubbing and just hanging out. Check out her incredible web site (that I'm now the web master of!): SisterSin7 |