This is the + Roads in AdamNa+ion:
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Ramstein, Germany. The famous Italian air show is put on. The show's grand finale was grander than they could have ever have imagined. They do their famous stunt, arrow through the heart, in which it's like threading the needle. Four planes fly at each other from four directions and just as they all fly passed one another, a fifth plane flies through the center. This would be the last time they'd perform this trick (or any trick). The fifth flew the center, only to collide with one of the planes. Both planes crashed, but the fifth crashed right into the audience killing many...
Poem by AdamNa+ion
While masses mourn
Ramms+ein is born
Re-living fiery deaths in our mind
With techno beats, while guitars grind
You can own the #1 rock album of Germany, Sehnsucht! Click image.
Ramms+ein is a self-described "dance/metal" band. I'm not alone in my thinking that they're more like an "industrial/gothic" band. They are hard to define, but that's because there's not many bands like them. I've recently became aware of Laibach (a pioneer industrial-gothic band), who obviously must have had a considerable bit of influence on Ramms+ein.
Laibach's a great band, but they're rock guitars can't compare to Ramms+ein's lead guitarist's (Richard) great guitar licks. Richard pumps out the best guitar melodies I've ever heard, literally, every song. Then there's the synthesizer player (Flake), who offers little solo and duets with the guitarists every song. I affectionately refer to him as their techno-geek. The lead singer, Till, has a haunting, deep voice that hits bass notes you wouldn't think possible. Interesting enough, Till is an ex-Olympic swimmer. Till is definately a freak of nature, but once you clean that bad-boy up, he's as beautiful as a choir boy.
Flake and the even stranger lead singer, Till, are the only band members that don't look normal. Flake wears these outrageous vinyls clothes, clear raincoats, and S&M leather outfits. Till wears the kind of cloths that Alex of A Clockwork Orange wears. I'm glad that Till and Flake standout, because they're the most animated of the band members and do all the theatrics. Unfortunately, they do get a bit carried away on "Büch Dich".
All concert images taken
from the Belgium rock e-zine:
On-Line with Rock Belgacom
or the pictures, directly.
Mail-Me: AdamNa+ion