This is a short description of the properties of each letter in the aleph-bet, for my own use. The source will be posted when I remember it, but much of it is originally from the Sefer Yetzirah.
Concept Meaning Shape # Space Time Soul Quality Archetype Channel
Aleph Paradox, the Divine stamp on the being of man An ox; one thousand; teaching; a champion 1 Atmosphere between heaven and earth Spring, Fall The upper torso, chest and respiratory system Great compassion Ultimate manifestation of the soul of Moshiach chesed to gevurah
Beit The purpose of Creation: a dwelling place for G-d below House 2 Moon Sunday Right eye Wisdom Abraham chochmah to chesed
Gimel Reward and punishment in context of the physical world A camel; a bridge; weaning; benevolence 3 Mars Monday Right ear Wealth Isaac binah to gevurah
Dalet Nullifying of self which attends basic shifts in one's existential orientation A door; a poor man; drawing up 4 Sun Tuesday Right nostril Progeny Jacob keter to tiferet
Hey The capacity for self expression To be broken; to take seed; behold 5 Lamb (Aries) Nissan Right foot Speech Judah keter to chochmah
Vav Power to connect and interrelate all elements in Creation A hook 6 Ox (Taurus) Iyar Right kidney Contemplation Issachar keter to binah
Zayin The power of or chozer (Divine light reflected upward by Creation) to ascend beyond its own point of origin A weapon; a crown; a species; to nourish 7 Twins (Gemini) Sivan Left foot Movement Zebulun chochmah to gevurah
Chet The dialectic of "running and returning" between the absolute unity of G-d and the apparent plurality of Creation Fear; lifeforce 8 Crab (Cancer) Tamuz Right hand Sight Reuven chesed to tiferet
Tet The concealment in this world of G-d's goodness Inclination; staff; below; bed 9 Lion (Leo) Menachem Av Left kidney Hearing Simon chochmah to tiferet
Yud The infinite within the finite Hand; to thrust 10 Virgin (Virgo) Elul Left hand Action Gad tiferet to netzach
Kaf Ability to make manifest one's potential Palm of hand; cloud; to suppress 20 Venus Wednesday Left eye Life (good health) Moses chesed to netzach
Lamed Yearning of the heart to absorb knowledge To learn; teach 30 Scales (Libra) Tishrei Gallbladder Physical touch and intimacy Efraim hod to yesod
Mem Springing up of wisdom from the well of the super-conscious Water; a blemish 40 Earth Winter Lower torso, abdomen Love expressing itself like water Mashiach ben David netzach to hod
Nun Fall from egoless-ness into self-consciousness A fish; kingdom; a royal heir 50 Scorpion (Scorpio) Mar Cheshvan Intestines Smell Menasheh netzach to yesod
Samech The cyclical nature of experience Support; rely on; ordination; construct form (in grammar) 60 Bow (Sagittarius) Kislev Lower stomach Sleep Benjamin tiferet to hod
Ayin G-d's constant watchfulness over every element in Creation An eye; color; wellspring; (sheep in Aramish) 70 Kid-goat (Capricorn) Tevet Liver Anger Dan binah to tiferet
Pei Oral transmission of knowledge A mouth; here 80 Mercury Thursday Left ear Authority Aaron gevurah to hod
Tzadi The faith of the righteous Righteous one; side; to hunt; (chaos in Aramish) 90 Pitcher (Aquarius) Shevat Upper stomach Taste Asher gevurah to tiferet
Kuf The paradox of holiness: The taking of transcendent Divine life force by the material realm Monkey; to surround; touch; strength; (eye of needle in Aramish) 100 Fish (Pisces) Adar Spleen Laughter Naftali binah to chesed
Reish The ability to begin the process of rectification of the physicality of Creation Head or beginning; a poor man 200 Saturn Friday Left nostril Serenity Joseph tiferet to yesod
Shin The mystery of how the mutability of all things emanates from an eternal and unchanging Source A tooth; a year; change; scarlet; serenity; to sleep; to teach; two; sharp; old; viceroy 300 Heaven Summer Head Love expressed like fire Mashiach ben Yosef chochmah to binah
Tav The impression that faith in G-d's omnipresence makes upon one’s experience of reality A sign; an impression; code; (more in Aramish) 400 Jupiter The Sabbath Mouth Grace David yesod to malchut