Ever need a sentence containing the words 'enema,' 'corned beef,' 'fiber,' 'walrus,' and 'grain elevator'? Then look no further!!! We're your one stop shop for sentences containing 'enema,' 'corned beef,' 'fiber,' 'walrus,' and 'grain elevator.' Let's begin!!!
1. "Hey, WALRUS," exclaimed the boy, "Your CORNED BEEF has overflowed your GRAIN ELEVATOR and the FIBER demons have stolen your ENEMA!!!
2. The FIBER children sat silent in the GRAIN ELEVATOR waiting for the sickly WALRUS to die in order to destroy his CORNED BEEF empire with a flaming ENEMA.
3. CORNED BEEF, WALRUS has taken the enchanted ENEMA from the magical realm of FIBER and the GRAIN ELEVATOR of Happiness!
4. You CORNED BEEF headed GRAIN ELEVATOR, what manner of ENEMA did you expect to get from a WALRUS made of FIBER?
5. Thou WALRUS, thy CORNED BEEF ENEMA hath not been inspected for FIBER quality by the apocalyptic GRAIN ELEVATOR of doom!
6. "'Tis witchcraft from an ENEMA!" cried the WALRUS from atop the FIBER filled GRAIN ELEVATOR to the CORNED BEEF across the dale.
7. Insomuch as to cause ENEMA tranquility, the FIBER optics were cast into a vat of molten CORNED BEEF by the WALRUS king who owned the enormous GRAIN ELEVATOR in Minneapolis.
Fear not...there shall be more sentences on the way...keep watching!