July 04, 2002

Sandra Zarifeh

Download resume.pdf
ooooooo, she's tho talented...
link to HTML version of my resumé
wanna see my DRAWRINGS... you bum-lookah?


Inspiring Artforms
Music soothes the savage beast within me


Musings: A diary.
My thoughts exactly
Il Familia
My Family and Friends are my life

Hello, SAZA here thanking you for stumbling on in and checking out my site. I hope your visit here shall not be too tedious and, well, ya just might enjoy the little tidbits of information this exercise in vanity provides.

Yes, vanity... that is, after all, the whole Enchilada... no? I mean, what other chances would I get to bedazzle family, friends and even strangers with my wit and charm other than the medium of television? Or maybe I should instead mentally send out good vibes about myself *SAZA is cool ;^) hehe*.

Frankly, I am not a major fan of T.V., save for a few programs such as Duckman (or this link too), Simpsons, South Park, Enterprise, Voyager *sniff, sadly now finished*, Red Dwarf, and of course... X-Files!*now sadly finished too* yes... a FEW *cough*... could I add "Friends" in there too? thanks...*grin*

Yes, I do have other interests! I am no couch potato, thankewverrymuch. I am also an avid reader (which, admittedly can be done on a couch...per se... but you know what I mean!) Science Fiction, Fantasy, History, Comics... love it. I also have an active lifestyle which consists of the gym, rollerblading, playing pool (billiards, snooker...) and bowling *it ROX!*. Plus, I like to think I am an arteeste, however, that can be debatable...

E-m@il me your opinions
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I love my mac
This web site was set up on May 19, 1998.

It was made possible by the gentle urgings and threats of my beloved adopted twin brother, DeadMouse, the ease of Netscape's Composer, as well as the power lent me by Baby, my sweet '93 model powerPC Macintosh and Fred, my beautiful, loving, strong and if-he-were-a-man-I-would-marry-him '99 model PowerPC Macintosh G3.
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