" Lord Sithtainius " " James "

Here are some other pictures I did of a different
version of Sith.

Looks ticked don' he?

Man be whoopin' some @$$!!

Now he be whoopin' @$$ in TECHNICOLOUR!

You gonna mess wi't dis guy???

* Gazes thoughtfully up at the painting...*
A man of infinite patience and a mind that has more
avenues and walk-ways than Central London.
* Taps her chin thoughtfully...*
I believe his strongest attribute would be, as I just
mentioned, his patience.
* Quips a wry half-smile...*
If a few more people had his tolerance and calmness,
then maybe there wouldn't be so much pain in the world.
* Sighs lightly and shakes her head gently...leaves a
small white candle in the shape of an open rose in
front of the painting, turns and moves on...*

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