" Candle and Rosewood "
Anyways, yeah I know.
He has a tongue that can whip you to pieces, but if you shut
up, bite yer tongue and Listen To Him, you'll find he actually
has sumthin' Valid ta say.
He's a firm believer in a person having the right to speak
their mind and will often voice his own personal points of
view, with a blissful disregard for anyone's feelings...
But I feel very lucky to have had the pleasure of enjoying
many varied and stimulating conversations, with the Crazy
Man. And I hafta say, even though y'all out there may feel
like he likes to spout his mouth off, he is a damn good
listener, so don't count the Candle Man out just yet.
Word goin' out to ya big bro:-
" You watch what you do with that key! I never realised there
WAS one! Never mind you friggin' well diggin' it up!!"
* Laughs*
Luv ya, Unna!
P.S. You keep that Lag Monster away from my Moon!
* Pouts and mutters...*
Bad, Crazy Man.
* Grins impudently and leaves a silver candle, shaped like an
open rose in front of the painting.*
Oh and as an added treat, here's a picture of unna's wife!
Ain't she PRETTY?!??!
They have a lil' baby girl now as well, so Much Love goin'
Out to ya, Kiley Jean!
" Rachel"