Cool Links

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Tina the Troubled Teen

My Friends...

dot.gif (1629 bytes)The Domain of St. Faust- Awsome Artist and Poet! Not to mention an all around interesting person!

dot.gif (1629 bytes)Rage Homepage- My favorite GM, He taught me about Role-playing and Myself!

dot.gif (1629 bytes)Strangeness- This is another one of My Favorite GM's pages-check it out!

dot.gif (1629 bytes)The Wolf's Den- My adopted little Brother! He is a bit weird, but I still love him!~he is revamping-link broken.

dot.gif (1629 bytes)Cartoon Crazy's First Folly-This is Pepe-Le-Pew's. He is pretty cool! <~link broken

dot.gif (1629 bytes)Nishar's Den- This chick likes Wolves almost as much as me! :)

dot.gif (1629 bytes)Rantings-Rants and Raves of my friends and I!

Interesting Places...

dot.gif (1629 bytes)Palladium- More cool Role-playing stuff!

dot.gif (1629 bytes)BRlogo.jpg(3652 bytes) - Live Action Role-Playing!

dot.gif (1629 bytes)Miglogo.jpg(27320 bytes) - Memphis Industrial Gothic Project!

I will have more on here later so keep checking!

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