In A Paradise...With My Man

I saw countless islands all different from each other.
I heard the waves that made me feel happier.
I felt so happy, it cannot be bought with a price.
They were because I was in a place called paradise.

I saw the mauve and orange sky so lovely.
I heard the fish jumping up and down so free and happy.
I felt the cool afternoon breeze and didn't wonder why.
They were because the sun was smiling while saying goodbye.

I saw millions of stars shining so bright.
I heard the peaceful quietness of the night.
I felt so enchanted in a romantic night so cool.
They were because the moon above was full.

I saw myself in a reflection smiling so happy.
I heard my heart beating so fast and lively.
I felt like I'm in heaven flying like a dove.
They were because I was with the man I truly love.

by Irish

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