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Diamond Sangha
Sesshin Sutra Book

December 1991 version
Translations/revisions by Robert Aitken Roshi
of the Diamond Sangha Zen Buddhist Society,
Koko An, 2119 Kaloa Way, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 96822


Buddha nature pervades the whole universe,
existing right here now.

With our reciting of Maka Hannya Haramita Shin Gyo (The Great Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra)
and the Sho- Sai Myo Kichijo Darani,
let us unite with:

The Ancient Seven Buddhasa, Dai Osho,
Shakyamuni Buddha, Dai Osho,
Bodhidharmab, Dai Osho,
To-zan Ryokaic, Dai Osho,
Do-gen Kigend, Dai Osho,
Keizan Jokine, Dai Osho,
Dai'un Sogakuf, Dai Osho,
Haku'un Ryokog, Dai Osho,
Koun Zenshinh, Dai Osho;
all Founding Teachers, past, present, future, Dai Osho,

let true Dharma continue, Sangha relations become complete:

All Buddhas throughout space and time,
all Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas,
the great Prajna Paramita.
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The Buddha and his teachers and his many sons and daughters turn the Dharma wheel to show the wisdom of the stones and clouds; we dedicate the virtues of reciting To-rei Zenji's Bodhisattvas's Vow and the Emmei Jikku Kannon Gyo- to: Cho-ro- Nyogen, Dai Osho-, Hannya Gempo-, Dai Osho-, Mitta So-en, Dai Osho-, and to our relatives and companions of the past who rest in deepest samadhi; All Buddhas throughout space and time; all Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas; the great Prajna Paramita.

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The sky of samadhi and the moonlight of wisdom form the temple of our practice;
our friends and family members guide us as we walk the ancient path;
we dedicate the virtues of reciting Hakuin Zenji's Song of Zazen to:
Rinzai Gigen Dai Osho
Hakuin Ekaku Dai Osho
and to the guardians of the Dharma and the protectors of our sacred hall;
All Buddhas throughout space and time;
all Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas;
the great Prajna Paramita.

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Called out from just outside the dojo during the ceremony at the end of each day of sesshin.

I beg to urge you everyone:
life and death is a grave matter;
all things pass quickly away.

Each of you must be completely alert;
never neglectful, never indulgent.

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In the purity and clarity of the Dharmakaya,
in the fullness and perfection of the Sambogkaya,
in the infinite variety of the Nirmanakaya,
we dedicate our sesshin and our reciting of Maka Hannya Haramita Shin Gyo to:

The Ancient Seven Buddhasa, Dai Osho,
Shakyamuni Buddha, Dai Osho,
All Founding Teachers, past, present, future, Dai Osho

and for the enlightenment of bushes and grasses
and the many beings of the world;

All Buddhas throught space and time;
all Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas;
the great Prajna Paramita.

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Notes and comments are lifted from the endnotes of the Empty Sky compilation of these Zen Buddhist texts and The Syllabus section of Encouraging Words - zen buddhist teachings for western students by Robert Aitken Roshi

a According to Zen folklore.

  1. Shakyamuni (historical Buddha)
  2. Kassapa
  3. Konaagamana
  4. Kakusandha
  5. Vessabhuu
  6. Sikhin
  7. Vipassin

b (6th cent. China) Founder of Ch'an Buddhism.

c (807-869) Tung-shan Liang-chieh, founder Chinese Soto line.

d (1200-1253) Head of Japanese Soto line.

e (1268-1325) Compiler of Soto koan collection, Denko-roku (Transmission of Light).

f (1870-1961) Harada Dai'un founder of Syncrtic School that became the Sanbo Kyodan. Teacher of Westerners.

g (1895-1973) Yasutani Haku'un, Harada Roshi's Dharma Heir, Sanbo Kyodan founder. Teacher of Westerners.

h (1907-1989) Yamada Koun, Yasutani Roshi's Dharma Heir. Teacher of Westerners. Robert Aitken Roshi is his son in the Dharma.

Many sanghas include John Tarrant Roshi's "The unknown women, centuries of enlightened women , who hold our zazen in their arms"to the dedication at this point.

Dharma Heroes

The Han
(Board) is a thick rectangular wooden board, hanging outside the dojo or zendo. This percussion instrument is struck with a wooden mallet during ceremonies at the end of each day at sesshin and at the end of sesshin ceremony.


Completely freed from yes and no;
great emptiness charged within;
no questions, no answers;
like a fish, like a fool.


The ascii version of these texts can be acquired from the Electronic Buddhist Archives section of the Coombspapers Social Sciences Research Data Bank