News (6-1-99): The San Antonio Air Logistics Center, Fighter/Trainer Directorate in which I work is being transferred to Ogden Air Logistics Center, Hill Air Force Base, Utah. A recent decision by the Air Force was made to accelerate the move to OO-ALC. Instead of beginning the move to Utah in October 2000, personnel will begin moving in May 2000. Since I don't plan to move to Utah, I will apply for an early retirement and accept the penalties. Thus, everyone in the organization will either move or separate by September 2000. Since March, I have been the Proven Aircraft Deputy System Program Director (SPD). The job is temporary until it can be filled through a competitive promotion process. The bad news is that it's not a promotion for me (same grade level as my permanent position) and I also have to accomplish a lot of my duties as the Structural Engineering Branch Chief. The next year will be full of turmoil at work due to the constant loss of experienced personnel and very few replacements! School is out and our daughter, Pam, is now a Junior in high school. She recently got a job at HEB and has worked on weekends. During the summer, she plans to work as much as possible. In May, Jeremy, graduated from Law School at the University of Arkansas. We're very proud of his accomplishment!