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Glad You Came!

Hi! Thanks for visiting my pages! You will find helpful information here, topics range from Homeschool, to writing, to books; but all start with Christ, I hope you enjoy your visit, and be sure to come back often! Best viewed with Netscape 4.0. I have enjoyed creating this site but I warn you in advance.....Beware of the link at the bottom, click only if you like "life on the ledge!"


My purpose for creating a site on the WWW is to bring Glory to my Savior,

I desire to write to the glory of God.

I am also the mother of three children,
Ages18, 15, and
We are Born Again Christians. I attend  Grace of Calvary Baptist Church
An Independant Fundamental Baptist Church located in the heart of downtown Erie, Pa. I believe in the saving and atoning power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

News Bits....

Help spread the gospel. E-mail biblewebsite@integrityonline2.com to display this banner on your website


Few things warm the heart like the thawing of spring in northwestern Pennsylvania. This year, I've moved locations and have the privaledge of sitting right on the banks of a local creek. As I sit and type email or write, or just converse with friends online, I can watch the wildlife as it moves along the creek banks. Over and over I'm awed at God's creation.... the uniqueness of his creatures, the beauty of each one.

Along with location, my children and I are moving through the stages of marital separation and impending divorce. I plan to dedicate some web space on the whole issue in the future. Specifically, the impact of separation and divorce on the Christian home. Regretably, I am only homeschooling my oldest son, Billy now. My job required that I put the ten year old in public school this year. It was hard to let him go, but I'm happy to relay that he has adjusted very well and is doing great in the new surroundings.


"Congratulations on Your Marriage"

Scott and Lianna Schutlz!
December 27, 1998

Homeschool Information

We are a homeschool family in our fourth year of homeschooling. We currently us Alpha and Omega Products. Visit our links page to find resources to assist you in your homeschool efforts.
Homeschool Links

 Take a moment to visit the people at Brain Play for exellent software for your homeschool!


Visit our home-based business, we offer business and personal letters, resumes, and are resellers to many qaulity name brand products online, free submission to the major search engines and much more. Stop in and look around.
Just Write Personal Letter Writing Service


Personal Scoop

I enjoy reading good literature: The King James Bible Literary classics, such as "My Cousin Rachel" and "Rebecca" by Daphne Du Maurier and Christain Historical Fiction and Christian Romances. My favorite Christian author is Francine Rivers. I love the "Mark of the Lion" series, and "The Scarlet Thread" you can find most, or all, of these through the Amazon Search below.  I also enjoy writing Christian fiction, poetry, and personal essays and stories about life as a believer. Below are two links to e-mail critique groups which I belong to and encourage every aspiring Christian writer to join up and learn from other writers to prepare for publication. Can you do it? Yes, You can

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The most important question I will ever ask you: