the news from the Canadas


:       lotteries


"A raven, having learned by rote the single word 'Nevermore',
and having escaped  from the custody of its owner,
 is driven at
midnight,  through the violence of a storm, 
to seek admission at a window from  which a light still gleams...."
(Edgar Allan Poe)

In Vacatown, you can speak any language you want. The present mayor (Mr. Ciccone) had hired a special clerk for any language group that had over 5% of the citizens in the latest census---so that the Citizens can now be told off in the circular language of their choice (the almighty census providing). This election-promise got him a lot of votes. I love to watch a democracy in action; you never know what you're going to get.

His next project, to keep the Citizens occupied and NOT thinking about their rising property taxes, targeted the Provincial Lotteries. I suggested to him that he was staking out a mighty high moral ground here. But he ignored me when he didn't hear what he wanted to hear. He's different from most petty politicians, so I keep showing up at his press conferences.

His father was a newspaper-man. I understand people who grab one single line of attack or argument or food. You can always, at least, count on them. Ciccone came into office with half a house paid for and some honesty. I have a feeling that he'll leave with the same two assets. Not more. Not less.

They have a new Lottery just for weekend gambling-addicts. It's a scratch-and-win card. The proceeds (minus a government cut and a bureaucratic cut and an advertising cut and a retailing cut) go to a charity that only comforts weekend gambling-addicts. Nietzsche says that the most common lie is the one we tell ourselves (not the one we tell other people).

"Ich sehe nix. Ich weiss nix."
(Sergeant Schultz)

In old Windy City, the Mayors were "in" with the gamblers and druggies and boozers. Everywhere you went there was gambling: lotteries, bingo for the old broads, bottle caps for the young punks (future gamblers), with their cigarettes, in their candy, betting on the horses, betting on sports, betting on stocks and bonds, store promotions, and of course elections.

The mayors and their boys were completely crooked and, by sharing a little with the Citizens, plenty more people were happy and corrupted. The honest (smart) Citizens kept quiet and went about their business. The system worked and it worked well. (As long as the fish kept biting....) But then, some high hat usually comes along to start pointing the finger. Some people just don't like democracies.A vote is a vote, no matter how you count it. A buck is a buck. A win is a win.

"The whole thing is too disgusting for words...."
(Groucho Marx)
"I shall go back again to the bleak shore
And build a little shanty on the sand...."
(Edna St.Vincent Millay)

I dropped in on a neighbourhood church. I asked a parent with a two-year-old child. I asked a local athlete-hero bound for the Olympics. I even asked a scarlet Mounted Policeman with his "For Sale" sign ("But it's for a good cause!"). I asked an up-and-down crook by the name of Johnny Shinto. I even got desperate and asked a passing high school geography teacher.


I asked Alice and Celia, the Tag-Team Twins from Gateau. Once they cleaned "that" town up, there was nothing---I mean NOTHING---left. I confronted Uncle Charlie and he said, "How come they don't deliver beer like in the old days? I mean right to your front door and everything. If this is progress and computers, your generation can go take a...."

Some call him "Five-card" Charlie. Uncle Charlie (Go "Leaves" Go!) told me once, "Honesty in advertising is one of the ten signposts of civilization." (Another is a one-price-no-haggle policy, but I could never agree with that.) He would, at this point, hold his palms up high with their radiating fingers. How come the lotteries don't tell me every day about the million sad losers (drenched in disappointment), but they tell me about the one winner (jumping for the moon he now owns)? (And how come this is tax-free when other countries tax it quite happily? (Who would complain? Not all the losers!))

But let some poor store not have enough tuna in stock at their advertised price and the full mighty power of various levels of government will swoop down to administer God's Justice concerning "Truth in Advertising". And how come all these foreign companies here in the Canadas put bright red little leaves on their imports. Aren't they proud of what they really are?

How come when crooks do it, it's a crime against humanity, but when the government does it, the same crime is now NOT...? They might as well go whole hog and get into drugs, prostitution, thieving, bribes, booze, cigarettes, weapons, and protection money. Or as Ciconne says: "They already have." (He pronounces it in the English way to rhyme with Marconi.)



bye-bye, ivica-buying-low-and-selling-high

(The unemployed crooks and gangs will now have to fill the gap and keep busy by feeding the poor, treating the sick, sheltering the homeless, laughing at politicians, playing amateur sports, running with children, et cetera.)





the news from the Canadas the news from the Canadas the news from the Canadas the news from the Canadas the news from the Canadas