Series: Picture series of special events

Last Update: 24th Oct, 99

It's worth to check out all of them. Please comment! - E-MAIL

Coming soon: Halloween Night

21th Oct 99' - Demonstration against John Chretien (Prime Minister of Canada) and WTO.

Well, It's a very good "demonstration" of democracy. Outside the Haytt Hotel in down town, demonstrators cry out the very dirty words to "shame" John Chretine. "Fuck you! John Chretien!"; Police sucks! Without pepper spray and gun, they are all the same under their underwear!", etc. You think of it. They cry out loud though the huge speakers, so loud that it can be heard a few hundred meters away. While in HK, demonstrators use their very own small handy speakers, cry out their slogan far far away from the place… Democracy? Never heard of it in HK.

1. WTO 1: I'm ready for pepper spray (22.2k)

It's a infamous event in Canada: RCMP use the pepper spray to force out the demonstrators in UBC last year. Obviously someone is ready for it. And personally, I can tell you that no one in the RCMP get punished by this miss behavior…Is it all the same around the world?

2. WTO 2: Vancouver Hotel, Vancouver people (19.1k)


 3. WTO 3: Police Bannr (19.0k)

When I first saw this guy, I feel like I'm in the Woodstock again. It certainly has a taste of anti-war.

  4. WTO 4: Drawing for peace (30.8k)

If the last one has a taste of Woodstock, this one is even more Woodstock… Peace.

  5. WTO 5: Untitled (29.4k)

This picture gives me a feel of the night before the re-union of Germany…


P.S. Every documentary assignment gives me a good chance to have some new experiences. After the success of the June 4, I use the TMAX 400 (push to 1600) again. The only different is that I equip with my new 70-200 f2.8 this time. This certainly give me a better chance to take close up (see picture #3). However, the Tamron 28-200 work out poor in low light situation like this. The TMAX don't help too much on the shutter speed, so I need to use the flash all the time. Therefore, over exposure becomes a big problem (refer to picture#3 again). Thanks to the monopod, some pictures are working quite nice without flash at about only 1/15s without flash. I still haven't printed out all the pictures, please come back next time to check it out.

I'm shame to admit that I expect to see some violence scenes. But it was a peaceful night, and I'm glad about this. When I saw there are so many police outside the hotel, I find a bit of irony… Do we need so many police to be there? Or every one of them get a pepper spray ready?

Pictures print with Kodak TMAX 400 (push to 1600). Print on Ilford Multigrade IV paper. All pictures were taken by Canon Eos50e or Eos 100; with Tamron 28mm-200mm f4.0-5.6 or Canon 28mm-200mm f2.8. AV mode.

4th June 99' - Juen4 Demonstration of Vancouver.

It is not a pleasant thing to do. Having the deepest and saddest emotion in every year, I could not feel any worse than this. This year, we have the typical rain in Vancouver too. I took pictures in the rain, feel the atmosphere, observe the situation… suddenly, I find out the image of our society in the event: Those who have a firm believing, those who make a living (such as reporters), and those who know nothing (such as children). Yes, that's Vancouver. All kind of people stay with all kind of reasons. Anyway, that's June4 99', the 10th of June4 89'……

1. Firm --- June4 99' a (65.6k)

She hold up her "V" to every car on Granville St. Her eyes show her firm believing to the truth. Who say that we will forget June4 someday?

2. Media --- June4 99' b (66.9k)

For the local media, June4 is not as important as the fishing problem with the States. All they care is some scenes, some people that can fit their mental picture. Is it the same as what the CNN did at Tiananman 89' ??? News needs the media, or the media needs news???

 3. Demonstration --- June4 99' h (60.4k)

It's not like HK, we don't have enough people to make the police to close the road for us. That's right, people holding umbrellas and tight up together. Still, we'll go on, until June4 is redressed.

  4. Child 1 --- June4 99' c (62.1k)

This is the first picture of the "Child" series. She just keeps on looking at the candle. No wonder that she's attracted by the light, but not the words on the cap of the candle. Does the next generation really care about June4?

  5. Child 2 --- June4 99' d (62.4k)

The sign should be heavy for you to hold…I think. Fortunately it's written in English, which is easier to understand than Chinese, is it?

  6. Child 3 --- June4 99' e (57.7k)

Just a note here: He's looking to a girl in front of him, not to the people who's talking on the stage.

  7. Child 4 --- June4 99' f (56.3k)

Another notes here: She's just looking to the boy behind her (see Child 3), nothing about the adults who work their ass off around her…

  8. Child 5 --- June4 99' g (62.0k)

In front of the sign of "Redress June4" (in Chinese), she look blankly into the sky for the whole night. It has no meaning for her action, I believe. I guess, this is too hard to understand, and too far to reach too. There's always funny to contrast her facial expression to the microphone in front of her, and to the one who shouting at behind.

P.S. This is the first time I work in heavy rain for prolong period. All my gears are under the toughest punishment under rain. Although my cameras were covered by plastic bag (and I put on the rain cover on my S&F bag too.) All equipment get wet at the end of day. The rain cover of S&F is not strong enough to shield out the rain. I hope it just because I didn't put on the big one (I just put on the top part of it.) anyway, it's a good lesson for me. Luckily, my equipments are fine at the end. Next time, I think it's better use my FM2…as the reporter of Ming Pao did at that day….^_^

Pictures print with Kodak TMAX 400 (push to 1600). Print on Ilford Multigrade IV paper. All pictures were taken by Canon Eos50e with 28mm-80mm f3.5-5.6 . AV mode. Touch up by Adobe Photo Delux.

Hope you enjoy the pictures

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