New York City stories... click us four hot chicks;)
Music links... to the bands i love... :)
Jimmy Eat World
Yo... for all those that know me know i LOVE music... so these are just some of my favorites... i have many many many many more... and it would take forever to give you links to all of them... but anyway... i love everything from moby, to tiesto, to korn, to dmb... i know im a freak;)
thats me hugging megans scooby when i lived in Williamsport... very nice victorian house with five apartments....
we were like one big family
If you couldn't tell we were making ourselves into human hearts:) <3<3
we are such weirdos but atleast we make each other laugh.....
Sam and I acting weird trying to drink from plastic oranges... dont ask.. (notice the malibu rum in the backgrounf)
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Sam and I at dayton ohio WGI world championships... pointing to our score
Jen (my old roomate from philly) and i when we met up a while back
Me in 2001 drumcorps... man i actulally got tan, imagine that