
For those of whom do not know, the swan mates only with one for life. Often times with the loss
of that mate, the other dies . . . How beautiful of our God to teach us through nature's own heart
that even a bird as this surely must be found of broken, as every foul and every soul does bleed.
Though she sees not that all the trials of her life have already been judged, because her tears are as
the fragrant rain to a burning desert. As I recall these words, "Thank God we're human".
For the gift of His Living Word is in her, and returns back home to tend to the grieving of heart
and to mend a broken wing that she may fly
. . . Forever . . .

If Granny could just hear me now
These words I share upon my knees
Of wisdom learned above my brow
I've found she ranks above the trees
In not so much the spoken word
But acts of kindness that she bore
As grace befits the purest Bird
To lace her Linens . . . White she wore
She was never marked heroic deed
Nor did she preach a multitude
But shining forth this Saintly Seed
I cherish so her fortitude
How is it that I see you now
The more I learn of Him, it's true
It was your hand that held the plow
The days of Light you lead us through
As I reflect now that she's gone
How Grand her Splendor found of rare
I shall recall this blessed Swan
Who rocks no more this lonely chair
How could I pass this word along
If not the Spirit joined as One
By He who grants to sing this song
Of glory through His Holy Son
She knew of not her worth in gold
No mountain here we may compare
Just memories of heart to hold
Of one who sought her Golden Stairs
If one should reach the pond she swam
They may yet learn of bird and beast
As he who sent her was the Lamb
That we could share this Holy Feast
She did not argue or consume
Her soul with dwellings of despair
But nourished flowers for the bloom
Her joy of passing was to care
Have you a Granny, one as this
A generation soon to pass
Do not hold back from her the kiss
That's due this blameless bird of class
She was not learned of high degree
Of merit that a man bestows
But by her patience tenderly
She taught the way His river flows

This image was donated by a friend for the beauty of this occasion, the union of words.
God bless you Larry Friedman of Green River, Wy. for your generosity

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