You can order a personal forecast based on your horoscope for the year 2000. This is not a computer generated report!! It's actually ME! discussing your forecast year, live on tape (60 mins. or longer) in the privacy of your own home! You'll also receive your chart and will be able to follow along with me. TIME OF BIRTH IS REQUIRED TO ORDER. Please be as accurate as possible for your forecast will only be as accurate as your birth time! To order send (please print clearly)



City State Zip

Birth Date month day year

City/State and Country of birth

Time of Birth AM or PM

check or money order for $20.00 per year to

Zane Arillotta

P.O. Box 61

McKeesport, PA 15135-0061

NOTE: In some states a "blue law" remains on the books called "The Fortune Telling Law". It's there to protect you from shams among other things. I have 18 years of experience as an astrologer so I'm no sham, but because of this law I'll be adding the obligatory "for entertainment purposes only" in order to protect both of us!!!!