The Assassins

Rick Gentry : "Assassin" - Andrew Shachat : "The Infamous 444"


Iz's dream inspired me to write the following:
As the family mithology would have it. we were all the assasins in ancient middle east,
we all knew the mind trick which raised the cities in one night 
moved the mountains in a day, mind once reached beyond 
the shell of consciouness, which has been synonim for  the power, 
not the will but the system, social habitual, addictive, us the human 
are no longer pure will, but individuals that were torn into pieces, 
into the bodies, not a body like a plant, the world of vegetation has no boudaries, one leave morphs into a branch, into a bark, into ivies, into the soil, into the air, into dew drops 
So were we in the past life, assasins for the old man of the mountain, we were one and ever connected, ....with the mountain, 
with a dream we still share, the hashsh accelerated dream of paradise, of the primal intention of the will, we know no sin, we know no shame, we know no self, so that we are not alone 
Like foetus in the womb 
like the seed of everything prior to the Bang 
Bang, bang, bang, no bang, bang, no noise made on the bed, 
the earth is no longer capable of containning any more bang, bang, so dream, dream to create no bang bang but outside is the 
space but still inside the woub, beacause there is no outside in inside out for there is no self, but we, but no bang bang, that defines me and you, I and Thou, S and M, that is why we are ready to leap and never come back, throw the rock and never come back, 
we are out and outside in, Nostradamus saw the human beyond the stars, beyond the Heaven's Gate, we are already there.  



De : R. Gentry <>
Date : lundi 7 septembre 1998 09:05
Objet : Assassins cut to shreds...

Hashish accelerated dream of paradise reached beyond

the shell of consciouness into the air into dew drops

(mind trick which raised the cities)

we knew the night torn into pieces into ivies into the soil bang,

no bang,

bang, no noise

seed of everything prior to the Bang

because there is no outside in inside out

there is no self

but the system

bang, bang

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