Hey, Welcome to my world

Disclaimer: I didn't create most of the characters contained within the following stories. That distinction belongs to Greg Widen, in the case of Highlander, and Don Bellisario, in the case of Quantum Leap. The copyrights are owned by Davis/Panzer and Belisarius Productions. I'm only borrowing them. I've earned no money from this endeaver. If the respective individuals/companies hadn't created such compelling characters to begin with, I wouldn't have cared enough about them to want to write about them. And for this, I thank them.

Please be warned that many of the following stories are adult in nature. However, there ain't no slash!
My Highlander Fanfiction: 
Because I Love You
Naked and Alone
Side Effects
Slings and Arrows
Waiting Games
Winter Retreat
My Quantum Leap Fanfiction:
The Birthday Present


Different Dreams
You Have My Love Forever


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