
I held a rose...

I held a rose in My hands, One so delicate and fragile
It gave it self to Me, to tend and make it grow
With words of love and compassion
As I sought to make it so

I blossomed and it flourished, Beneath My tending hand
The color it was so beautiful, so bright
And I patted Myself on the back
And thought I am doing it right

But as time passed on, it's color it did fade
And the petals began to wilt and curl
But I knew not what to do to help it
For I was trapped in another world

So I sat there helplessly, and held it in My hand
And did not hear all the words that it said to me
I thought I had done all I could
And I held it oh, so close to Me.

But what it needed I could not provide
A stern and guiding hand
And I watched it slip away from Me
Like the shifting of the sand.

I still love the rose that I held, tenderly in My hands
But like that butter fly that came to Me
I had held it to close,
and much to tenderly

So now I must release it, and put it in another’s care
And watch it grow from a far
And look up to the sky,
and say thanks to the stars

That for even a moment I was blessed
To have her next to Me
And now to sit and watch
the butterfly, Fly away free.

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