About myself and my poems:

Shyamkant Kulkarni

I used to write short stories, but last several years I kind of prefer poetry to express myself. I think, inspite of whatever we might be thinking of ourselves, most of us live commonplace ordinary lives. Still our individual experiences of day to day life are unique and perhaps small pieces of a large pattern of life like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. To assemble them together right piece at right place is writing poetry. Some people can do it without any trouble, easily with their genius; others need more time and effort. Some efforts will be beautiful and enchanting to all. Some, perhaps only to their own creators. But with honest efforts, rhythm, right words we all can be successful. I just try to do that. Obviously poetry is crowded place. I think, this vast space in universe of Internet is a welcome opportunity for so far neglected poetry lovers. All of us should make best use of it.

" Our Poetry Trail"

Without poetry, literature, music and art man is not a man. Each and everyone of us in the heart is a poet. If this were not so, we would not be able to appreciate books we read, TV shows or movies we see, paintings, pictures or sculptures we see. We may not be aware, but we are borne to appreciate beauty. Whe one becomes one with nature's beauty, what we percieve is poetry, may it take shape in the form words, artist's brush,image on photographic paper or chisel of sculptor.Beauty is nothing but the truth.It is something to see, to appreciate.

This is a page for all of us who love poetry to express ourselves. On this ladder of poetry where one stands really doesn't matter. One is poet is enough. All poets are welcome to contribute to these pages. Selected poem will be published every week. Mail your poem to P.O.Box 465, Granite, OK 73547 with SASE or E.mail to rekha.kulkarni@gte.net. Let all of us get on this poet's trail.


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