Six of Swords

Sixes do bring a creative harmony to the swords. Here, the swords all point towards a common ground within the centre, so that different opinions converge within a shared frame of reference. The bright yellows and molecular pattern imply a great fermentation of intellectual activity, meaning that a good many creative insights may emerge at this time, along with a certain ingenuity in synthesising diverse schools of thought. Similarly, the bridges imply a "bridging" of ideas, so that mentally the individual might be transported onto a higher level of awareness altogether.

This card is excellent for all kinds of study, as the mind is more than ready for that kind of stimulation now. This may also serve to introduce a much wider social world to the querent, as it creates new meeting points and makes connections with those who are on a similar wavelength. With this card, a failure to communicate on all levels may well unduly restrict the life of the querent.

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