This card seems to have the potential to indicate great personal happiness and fulfilment, and yet may also suggest considerable feelings of sadness.
The fulfilment usually comes about through the satisfaction of seeing long-held dreams come to fruition. These are usually connected with matters to do with the home, with family, loved ones and partnerships. Finally, the querent may be just established in the home of his or her choice, just been married, or brought the new baby home from hospital. This card may also, however, speak of the elation after a course of study has been completed, and now is the time for end-of-term parties.
All this may begin to give a clue to where the sadness connected to this card may be pinpointed. The attachment of a long-felt desire may bring about strong feelings of anticlimax, particularly if, once attained, it does not appear to bring the bliss it first promised.
A readjustment may therefore need to be made. New aims and a new purpose in life may now have to be found, now that the old purpose has been reached.