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Library of the Queen

These pages are dedicated to the royal consort Neferukayt "Lady of the King's Ornaments,
King's Wife Whom He Loves, King's Daughter, Governess(Nomarch) of the People,
Heiress of Her Mother", the wife of Pharaoh Intef III and daughter of Intef II of the 11th dynasty.
Her mother was Princess Nebt, nomarch of Elephantine and lesser ranked wife of Intef II. Nebt was a learned woman, she collected texts and retained librarians and scholars in her service. When Nebt grew old Neferukayt became the next nomarch and continued her mother's work collecting papyri in her library.
It is to honor her I have collected some different literary works from ancient Egypt. Maybe there will be some modern day works too

This library is still under construction and will be so for some time, so please forgive the mess and the piles of papyri and ostraca.
Even when the library is more ready (does a library ever get really finished?) additions will be made, so please come back some times a year to check out our latest treasures.

If you know a good text (poem, story, instruction, medical or whatever) from or about Ancient Egypt, please ask me to add it. Just send me a scroll with the text and the source you got it from (or if you want to make any comments on my site) on to me, the Chief Librarian, at the address nefertari_s@hotmail.com

Hymns and Prayers - Myths - Poems and Songs - Links
The Pyramid Texts - Stories - Instructions of Wisedom
The Coffin Texts - What's New

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You are visitor no.since August 14 1999

These pages were made by 'Nefertari Sithathor' (Ella Egnell).
You can contact me by e-mail on the address nefertari_s@hotmail.com or nasse_l@hotmail.com
The construction of these pages began in June 1999
Last changes made January 20 2001