The Graphics

The "BLUEBIRD" was created by my
special friend and art companion "Blip".
We continuously create art and graphics for "our" page.
*Note* Some of the art and poems here are also found there.

Other than the "BLUEBIRD" all other graphics, animations,
backgrounds, poems and photos where done by me. (Unless
otherwise stated on that page) Some of the graphics were
made in "paint shop/Windows '95", "Paint ShopPro SE", and
"Paint Shop Pro 5". Some graphics were sketched
by hand, scanned with "UMAX Astra 1200S", and using "EZ
Photo" photoshop. All graphics and photos were made gif
files in "View Print Pro 32" graphics editor.
All photos were taken with a Cannon AE camera.

You got here from "Blips" link, to continue the tour: