Gary Paul's House of Realism

Introducing Impressivism ~~ a new style of realism

Abstract Hyper-realism

Introducing a new style of realism to the art world; a style of painting that is 3 steps beyond photo-realism. This site serves as the starting point for the genesis of a new style of abstract hyper-realism, termed "Impressivism", which combines discrete abstract forms to create realistic images

Gary Paul with   "Robin Tubes the Rapids" ~ Acrylic on canvas ~ 244 x 122 cm, 96 x 48 inches ~ 1994, 1997-1998
  This downloading image is 108KB in size...please give it time to download. Click the image to see...  THE RAGING WATERS OF ANJUHAR... a pure example of impressivism.  CLICK THIS PICTURE

Hybrid painting mixing impressivistic water and realistic figure.     photo 1998 - black augmented / reversed from negative

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Last updated January 18 2002 
Contact Gary Paul
e-mail: GPAUL54 "at" Yahoo "dot" com

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